OUR MISSION To provide a Quality and Professional Occupational Health and Safety service to our Clients. Further, to: Assist our clients in establishing their needs and requirements in terms of occupational health and safety. Assist our clients to fulfil their need and requirements in terms of occupational health and safety requirements. Assist our clients in providing to their employees a healthy and safe work environment, free of recognized hazards. Assist our clients in integrate safety into the process of their business. Assist our clients in establishing a Corporate Safety Culture. What does C&M Safety Consultants SA stand for? 1. Honesty 2. Respect 3. Courtesy 4. Integrity 5. Service Orientated SAFETY CREED I pledge my knowledge, skill and integrity to the Promotion of Safety in all its facets and the Prevention of Accidents and the Protection of Health and Wellbeing, the Conservation of Property, Material and Resources and the Advancement of my Profession. I pledge my knowledge, skill and proficiency to the continual Extension if the Science of Safety so that the highest Standard of Excellence may prevail. I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement if my Knowledge, Skill, Ability and Proficiency for the Advancement of Safety and the Wellbeing of the Community I serve. I undertake to uphold the highest degree of Professional Conduct and Integrity – Protecting the Honour of my Colleagues as my own and that of the Profession, above all else, to the exclusive Benefit and Wellbeing of the Community.
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